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Yoga multiestilo de 200 horas
Formación de profesores en línea

Aadhya Yogshala 200 Hours Yoga Teacher Training Online is the gold standard of Yoga Teacher Training and will mark the beginning of your radical transformation and a successful career as a global yoga expert. This 200 Hours YTT course has all the tools for aspiring Yoga Teachers to develop a solid foundation to be able to find a unique Yogic self-expression.

Our 200 hours course comes from the experience of great yogis. After to teach many years we made this course to give a complete knowledge about Yoga and Spirituality. Its structure especially allows the students to embrace and to understand yoga by different perspectives. This shows very clearly the multidisciplinary of Yoga and the connection between many branches of ancient knowledge for instance Ayurveda and Philosophy; Meditation and Mantra; Pranayama and Asana. This experience can be a milestone in the journey of Yoga seekers to explore the age old tradition, its practices, principles and concepts.

This training is well suited for beginners and intermediate students. This training is designed for someone who wants to be a teacher and also for those who want to deepen their practice and understanding of yoga, or simply improve their quality of life. Yoga teachers as a secret society of warriors who is working for the wellness and happiness for the peoples. If you have thought about a yoga teacher training before, here are six reasons it’s time to take the leap.


  • Deepen your physical practice 

  • Learn world largest culture

  • Find Your yoga family

  • Challenge yourself mentally & Physically

  • Explore your spirituality

  • Become a teacher

Highlights Of The Course 

  • Aprenderás el estilo tradicional de Asanas. con técnicas correctas.

  • La filosofía aumentará su conocimiento de dónde y cómo surgió el Yoga. Aprenderás qué es exactamente el Yoga.

  • La Anatomía del Yoga te ayudará a comprender las estructuras básicas del cuerpo. Incluye conocimiento de los huesos, músculos, articulaciones, vasos sanguíneos, nervios y órganos del cuerpo.

  • La meditación y el pranayama le brindarán una experiencia de vida diferente sobre cómo podemos encontrar lo último en bienestar. paz interior.

  • La Metodología de Enseñanza te ayudará a crecer como profesor o escuela para que puedas iniciar tu propia escuela de yoga.

Duración: 8 semanas

Dividimos este curso de Formación Docente en 8 semanas en todas y cada una de las semanas aprenderá algo diferente. Para que el curso sea efectivo, dividimos todo el programa de estudios en pequeñas porciones para que le resulte fácil.


CursoPlan de estudios 

Multi Style Yoga Teacher Training ( Hathta, Ashtanga, Vinyasa )


Hatha is a general category that includes most yoga styles. It is an old system that includes the practice of asanas space: normal (yoga postures) and pranayama (breathing exercises), which help bring peace to the mind and body, preparing the body for deeper spiritual practices such as meditation. Hatha means forceful or determined in Sanskrit.

Ashtanga means eight limbs or branches of yoga.Ashtanga Yoga contains different groups of asanas and teachings on vinyasa, drishti, bandhas, mudras, and philosophy. This is a great chance for students to practice and know their level of ability, in a supportive group environment and with the inspiration and guidance of a guru. Ashtanga can be a perfect foundation for home practitioners and also those who want to teach professionally once they know the arrangement of poses.

The word “vinyasa” can be translated as “arranging something in a special way,” like yoga poses for example. Vinyasa is a style of yoga characterized by stringing postures together so that you move from one to another, seamlessly, using breath. Commonly referred to as “flow” yoga, it is sometimes confused with “power yoga“.



Explore yoga poses (Asana) by type, from arm balances to backbends, inversions, twists and more. Plus, find sequences and step-by-step pose instructions for each to enhance your practice. Asanas are one of the most important facets of Yoga. Each asana is performed for a particular beneficial reason. Our Teacher will help you to aligning the body posture, getting rid of toxins, losing weight, overall health, taking away fatigue, and relaxing the mind.


Yoga Philosophy


Our teacher training course will give you a brief knowledge about Philosophy , Definition and Meaning of Yoga.Yoga is an ancient philosophy. To become a Yoga teachers we should not only understand the philosophy and ideas attached to as well we should share these same ideologies with our students in the future. We will lean .

o Yoga Sutras and the 8 limbs of Yoga.
o Yogic History and understanding all paths of yoga.
o Introduction to subtle bodies
o Introduction to the key ancient texts of the yogic path



It is believed that mantras can penetrate the depths of the oblivious mind. A mantra is a revealed word, a divine sound that has been received or experienced by an adept in the state of deep samadhi (spiritual absorption). It is a condensed form of spiritual energy, the sound body of the Divine Being. It can also be thought of as a compact prayer. During this training you will feel the power of Mantra.


Yog Nidra


Yoga nidra, or yogic sleep as it is commonly known, is an immensely powerful meditation technique, and one of the easiest yoga practices to develop and maintain. While the practitioner rests comfortably in savasana (corpse pose), this systematic meditation takes you through the pancha maya kosha (five layers of self), leaving you with a sense of wholeness.
We will learn here:-

o Basic Relaxation
o Tension Relaxation
o Full Body Relaxation


Meditation has been practiced for thousands of years. Meditation originally was meant to help deepen understanding of the sacred and mystical forces of life. These days, meditation is commonly used for relaxation and stress reduction.Meditation is considered a type of mind-body complementary medicine. Meditation can produce a deep state of relaxation and a tranquil mind.

Pranayama (Breathing Practice)


Pranayama yoga is also called “breathing yoga” because it is based on the principle of controlling the breath. The name Pranayama yoga, according to linguistic sources, comes from the words “prana” (life force) and “yama” (control).Pranayama is the formal practice of controlling the breath, which is the source of our Prana , or vital life force. Here read up on pranayama exercise & Poses , breathing techniques and sequences,o Breath Retention ( Kumbhaka Pranayama )

o Channel Cleaning Breath ( Nadi Shodhana Pranayama)
o Conqueror Breath ( Ujjayi Pranayama)
o Lion Pose ( Blow Off your Steam , Wakeup Your Face , and Lighten Up Your Practice in Silly Simhasana )
o Single Nostril Breath ( Surya / Chandra Bhedana
o Skull Shining Breath ( Kapalabhati Pranayama)

Shat Kriya


Important part of Yoga science is to let the unwanted out so that the nature fills the requirement in time, which also helps to perform to asana or pranayama without straining. Non Cleansed system cannot gain much benefit from yoga. Yoga has six important cleansing techniques which prefer as a master tool to cleanse whole body to union the system mechanism cooperative during the path of meditation, which the technique is termed as shatkarmas in sanskrit. These techniques are highly valuable in healing all the possible internal disorders. The six practices of shatkarmas are as follows:

o Neti
o Kapalbhati
o Trataka

Teaching Methodology

Beyond philosophy, meditation, asana, and Pranayama, there is still much more for an intern to learn about teaching Yoga. These subjects get some attention, during a 200-hour Yoga certification course, but once an intern has successfully graduated, a peripheral subject becomes a part of daily independent research or continuing education.
Teaching methodology is learned by instructing classes. Interns should have a firm grasp of the principles, practices, and procedures involved in teaching classes. Upon successful graduation, interns have learned the necessary procedures and techniques involved in teaching a class.

Aadhya Yogshala

¿Qué incluye?

  • Esta capacitación incluye 3 horas de clases (40 días), el fin de semana estará libre.

  • Manual de formación docente y libros de referencia.

  • grabacion de clases

  • Certificación Internacional de finalización de Yoga Alliance. El certificado le permite registrarse en Yoga Alliance International como profesor de yoga de 200 horas.

  • Kirtan en vivo el fin de semana (una vez a la semana), cantando, bailando

  • Inmersión total en una cultura yóguica única.

  • Orientación completa de profesores experimentados y dedicados.

Aadhya Yogshala

Horario diario
Lunes Viernes

mañanagramo -   Canto de mantras, pranayama y ejercicios Práctica de asanas de yoga

Noche -    Filosofía y Meditación

**Subject to Change**

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