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Retiro cultural y de yoga

The journey you share with others in a yoga retreat bonds you like nothing else. Strangers become friends and inhibitions fall away and you open yourself to sharing, learning with, and growing from other like-minded yogis and their life experience. Aadhya Yogshala giving you an opportunity not to only experience traditional style of yoga and spiritual practice but also to explore this beautiful country, rich by different traditions and cultural knowledge. If you’re working hard and craving time to unplug, connect back to yourself, get a good grip on life, refresh, and refill yourself – then join our Yoga and Cultural Retreat to nourish your body, mind, and soul while immersing yourself in the culturally rich and beautiful country of India. During this retreat will be able to relax, detox, DE-stress, rejuvenate, and take some time for yourself. 


We would love to welcome you on this beautiful journey where you will have the chance to explore the 5 most beautiful cities of India, Delhi, Jaipur, Agra and Rishikesh and many beautiful places. 

Aspectos destacados del retiro

  • Retiro de 10 días

  • Visita de 4 ciudades famosas: Delhi, Agra, Jaipur y Ampurdán. Rishikesh

  • Estancia en Hoteles   

  • Selección y acceso gratuitos Caída, Wi-Fi  

  • 2 Comidas Todos los Días (Desayuno y Cena) 

  • 2 botellas de agua.

  • Yoga diario/meditación tántrica y entrenamiento Sesiones de Pranayama (Opcional)

  • Excursión a lugares históricos, templos hindúes, uno de los templos más grandes de la India, el templo Swami Narayana Akshardham, la maravilla mundial Taj Mahal, la torre más larga hecha con ladrillos Qutub Minar y los ashrams, escuelas de yoga y templos más antiguos de la India en Rishikesh.

  • Tiempo libre para explorar, comprar o hacer manualidades.

  • Comidas suntuosas y gourmet diarias

  • Actividades nocturnas (meditación, mantra, excursión en el área local)

Por qué elegir este retiro

  • India is a land of “Unity in diversity”

  • Yoga philosophy, asana practice, pranayama meditation &  with cultural tour

  • Get a chance to explore 5 most famous cities & more than 20 historical places 

  • Be more relaxed and refreshed than you’ve ever been

  • Drop out of “normal life” for a period

  • Have a wonderful time learning a different practice than your own

  • The most amazing part of your experience just might be the people you'll meet

  • Peace and quiet for the mind, refreshing energy for the body

  • The ideal place to unplug, slow down that fast pace, and get back in touch with nature

  • Feel calmness, openness, and increased relaxation

  • Reduce stress and enjoy a better sleep


Delhi is a destination of every traveller’s dream. Its mystical presence makes it a favourite destination for both domestic as well as international tourists. Delhi has witnessed rise and fall of many great empires, glimpse of which is still present in its monuments and streets that have been walked and inhabited by great warriors since decades.

Dotted with many mesmerising architectures, Delhi is a dream destination of history and architecture lovers. Its historical splendour is accompanied by modern facilities and comfort of latest facilities, transportation and commutation facilities. This makes Delhi a destination worth visiting by all, irrespective of age and interest.

Places going to explore - Swaminarayan Akshardham Temple, Rajghat (memorial complex was dedicated to Mahatma Gandhi), Qutub Minar, Lotus Temple 


This historical city stands 200 km south of New Delhi, on the banks of river Yamuna. Over three centuries ago, it was a powerful Mughal capital and the most important city of northern India. It was at this time that Agra's many timeless architectural wonders were born: the wonderful Taj Mahal, the awesome Agra Fort, and the sprawling Agra Fort - a whole city in itself. History, architecture, romance all together create the magic of Agra, and hence, makes for a must-visit for anyone living in or visiting India. 


Agra is also well known for its marble artefacts which are best bought in the Sadar Bazaar or Kinaari Bazaar area. 

Places going to explore - Taj Mahal, Red Fort, Baby Taj, Mehtab Garden and Local Traditional Market


Mathura is a sacred city in Uttar Pradesh, northern India. Mathura is one of the seven sacred cities of the Hindus. It is the traditional birthplace of the god Krishna (Krishna Janmabhoomi) and the primary site of pilgrimage for the annual celebration of Janmashtami. 

Dotting the Yamuna River are 25 ghats (flights of steps down to the water), of which Vishram Ghat is considered the holiest.

Krishna's spiritual home. This sacred city is not only the place where Krishna's playful flute tunes were heard but also the stage for his divine acts (Leelas). The importance of the city is further enhanced by the poems of renowned Bhakti Movement poets like Surdas, Raskhan and Meerabai, who have immortalized Vrindavan in their verses.

Places going to explore - Iskcon Temple, Love Temple, Yamuna River and Birthplace of Lord Krishna


Planned by Vidyadhar Bhattacharya, Jaipur holds the distinction of being the first planned city of India. Renowned globally for its coloured gems, the capital city of Rajasthan combines the allure of its ancient history with all the advantages of a metropolis. The bustling modern city is one of the three corners of the golden triangle that includes Delhi, Agra and Jaipur.

Jaipur is a place not less than a paradise. It is impossibly romantic and picturesque, decked with royal palaces atmospheric Havlies, eclectic museums, and ancient towering temples. It is more than just a city. It is not wrong to say that Jaipur as a city is the soul of Indian culture. Fusion of old and modern, Chaotic yet tranquil welcoming and hospitable Jaipur is the beating heart of Rajasthan Tourism. Jaipur Tourism has something to offer to everyone; colourful melange of magnificent forts and palaces to feel the royal bliss; colourful bazaars and delightfully chaotic streets full of life for those who wants to explore the local life of Jaipur.

Places going to explore - Amber Palace, Water Palace, City Palace, Palace of Wind, Jagat Temple, Jantar Mantar, Local Market 


Rishikesh is known as the Yoga Capital of the World, which is also popularly known as Tapo Bhumi, the home for MeditationMeditation of gods and does Yoga. The peaceful place feels like heaven as it is the town for many temples with swift, pure, and clear flowing water from the Ganges on the side. Rishikesh is also known for its connection with The Beatles. In February 1968, members of the legendary English rock band visited Maharishi Mahesh Yogi's ashram (now popularly known as the Beatles Ashram) to learn transcendental meditation. The band composed nearly 48 songs during their time at the Maharishi's ashram, many of which appear on the White Album (and a few from Abbey Road).

Rishikesh is also a town of quaint cafes, which offer local and international cuisines and are mostly packed with tourists. Interestingly, in the last couple of years, Rishikesh has become very popular for its vibrant Holi celebrations, mostly organised by private hotels and resorts.

Places going to explore - Beatles Ashram, Kamakshi Devi Temple, Ram Jhula, Lakshman Jhula, Vashistha Cave, Parmarth Niketan, Fire Ceremony Side by Holy River Ganga, Old Ashrams and Temple

¿Qué haremos durante este retiro?


Práctica de asanas -"Asana" en sánscrito significa "asiento". La idea de “asiento” en este contexto se refiere no sólo a la posición física del cuerpo, sino a la posición del espíritu en relación con la Divinidad. Tanto los yoguis como los budistas suelen referirse a esta idea como el “Un solo asiento”. Esto ayuda a la purificación del cuerpo físico a través de las prácticas tradicionales de shatkarmas seguidas de las prácticas de asanas, pranayama, mudra y bandha.


Meditación tradicional india - Las meditaciones son un estado de profunda paz que el cuerpo experimenta cuando la mente está tranquila y silenciosa, pero completamente consciente del entorno. Obtendrá un concepto primario de meditación, filosofía de la meditación, posturas de meditación, concepto de mantra, anatomía y terapia de prácticas meditativas, nutrición yóguica, naturopatía”.

Pranayama -Pranayama se compone de dos palabras Prana y Ayama. La palabra prana significa energía vital. Pranayama utiliza la respiración para influir en el flujo de prana en los Nadis del pranayama kosha. Pranayama (respiración) es un puente entre el cuerpo y la mente, y sus prácticas son una práctica de yoga esencial que revela capas más profundas de la mente. En Pranayama aprendemos a controlar nuestra respiración practicando regularmente. Pranayama juega un papel muy importante en nuestra vida para mantenernos saludables. Veamos cuáles son los beneficios del pranayama.

Pasear Durante este retiro, exploraremos el templo más antiguo, el ashram, los palacios históricos, las grandes fortalezas, el paseo en elefante real, el mercado indio tradicional y mucho más.

Daily Sample Itinerary

Day – 1, Delhi Check in and Rest

Day – 2, Delhi Sightseeing (Raj ghat, Swaminarayan Akshardham Temple, Lotus Temple and Qutub Minar)

Day – 3, Delhi to Jaipur Drive to Jaipur and local sightseeing (Jantar Mantar, City Palace, Palace of Winds, and Local Market) at evening after check in 

Day – 4, Jaipur Sightseeing (Water Palace, Amber Palace, Jagat Temple and Birla Temple) 

Day – 5, Jaipur to Agra Drive to Agra and Sightseeing (Red Fort, Itmad Ud Daulah Tomb(Baby Taj) and Local Market Agra at evening) after check in Hotel 

Day – 6, Agra Sightseeing (Taj Mahal early in the morning) and Evening Mathura Sightseeing ( Love Temple, Iskcon Temple and Yamuna River)

Day – 7, Drive Agra to Rishikesh and Welcome city walk all together after check in the evening 

Day – 8, Rishikesh Sightseeing (Vashitha Cave) and after lunch ( Parmarth Niketan, Ramjhula Bridge,  Beatles Ashram and attend World’ famous fire ceremony side by Holy River Mother Ganga)

Day – 9, Rishikesh Free Day

Day – 10, Rishikesh Free Day 

Horario diario

  • 07.00 am – 08.30 am – Pranayama & Asana (opcional)

  • 08.30 – 09.30 – Desayuno

  • 10.00 am – 13.00 pm – Visitas turísticas

  • 13.00 h – 14.00 h – Almuerzo

  • 14.00 h – 18.00 h – Visitas turísticas

  • 19.00 – 20.30 – Mantra & Meditación (opcional)

  • 20.30 h – 21.30 h – Cena

  ** Sujeto a cambios**      

Reverse Prayer Pose

What's Included

  • 10 Days Retreat

  • Philosophy, Yoga, Meditation & Pranayama Session Every Day

  • Live Kiratn ( Singing, Dancing and Chanting) 

  • Pick Up and Drop from IGI Airport Delhi

  • Stay in 3 or 4 Star Hotels and Resorts

  • 2 Meals Every Day (Breakfast & Dinner)

  • 2 Packed Water Bottle Everyday

  • Visit of 4 Famous Cities Visit – Delhi,  Agra, Jaipur & Rishikesh

  • Going to Explore More Than 20 Historical and Beautiful Places 

  • Free WiFi

Lo que no está incluido

  • Boletos aéreos

  • Boletos de entrada

  • Seguro

  • Almuerzo

Yoga Posture

Atracción principal que va a explorar

  • Uno de los templos más grandes de la India (Templo Swami Narayana Akshrdham)

  • La torre más larga hecha de ladrillos (Qutub Minar)

  • Maravilla del mundo El Taj Mahal

  • Fuerte Rojo Agra

  • Ciudadde Palacios Jaipur

  • Agra, famoso mercado de piedra y piedra Joyas  

  • El Ashram más antiguo de Rishikesh

  • La famosa ceremonia del fuego del mundo junto al río Sagrado Ganges

  • Visita una cueva de más de 200 años de antigüedad

  • Mercado indio tradicional

Come and Join This Beautiful Yoga & Cultural Tour






1100 euros

13 al 23 de agosto de 2024

06 al 16 de octubre de 2024

1450 Euro

1100 euros

10 al 20 de noviembre de 2024

1450 Euro

1200 Euro

07 al 17 de julio de 2024

1500 Euro

1100 euros

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